Curraha CLG Car Draw - Business Advertiser

If you are interested in advertising and/or sponsoring Curraha CLG then please fill in your information and select the type of advertising / sponsorship you are interested in along with your preferred payment method.

If you order a pitch side advert then you get a free entry in our car draw.

We will issue invoices automatically in line with your selected options.

01 Your Business Details
02 About the Car Draw
03 Things we need from you
04 Options & Payment
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A Direct Debit will be processed against your account on a monthly basis. An Invoice will also be issued to you monthly once the DD is received.
Please transfer correct funds (€360 per year per advert) to the following bank account:
Name: Curraha CLG
IBAN: IE82 AIBK 9323 9602 3414 24
Please ensure that you include your company name as a reference on the payment.

We will email you a pro-forma invoice straight away. Once the funds are received and reconciled you will be issued with a full invoice.

Unfortunately it is not possible to have non-yearly payments except via Direct Debit.
Please provide cash to any member of the Curraha CLG Committee. Once this cash is lodged you will be issued with an invoice.
Unfortunately it is not possible to have non-yearly payments except via Direct Debit.